Tragic California College Student's Life Could Have Been Saved By One Simple Device

Six years ago. It was a perfect day. A sunny 72° with a light breeze. Paul Davidson was out food shopping at his local Whole Foods.

“That's when I got the call every parent dreads” Davidson, then 48, said. “My wife called me and said I needed to come home, the police were there and it had to do with my 20 year old daughter Christine. I immediately left whole foods and rushed home in a panic. That's when the police gave us the news that crushed us forever. Our daughter Christine had been abducted from the University of California Campus.”

That was the last time Paul Davidson saw his daughter.

Police say it may have started as a robbery. There were signs of a struggle. Davidson’s car door was left open, and his keys were laying on the ground. Davidson’s wallet was gone. But there was some blood on the top of the car. An analysis of the blood showed that it was Christine’s.

There were passersby just 100 feet from where Christine was abducted, but no one saw or heard a thing. Christine Davidson’s whereabouts are still unknown.

But Paul Davidson has focused his life on making sure that his nightmare doesn’t become anyone else’s reality, by creating the Scream Safe Personal Alarm.

Davidson began work on the device a few years after his daughter went missing.

“The number-one reason that leads to successful kidnappings is the victim isn’t or cannot make noise,” Davidson, now 52, says. “The kidnapper tries to keep the victim’s mouth shut.”

So Davidson had two main focuses when developing Scream Safe: To make it as accessible as possible and as loud as possible.

“The ability to easily make noise is crucial in a kidnapping situation,” police say.

The device easily attaches to purses, keys, and backpacks. It’s also small enough to fit in your pocket. But it packs a wallop.

A single device is capable of creating a 125db to attract attention and scare away potential assailants. To compare, it’s the same volume as a military jet during takeoff.

It’s also simple to use. Rather than having a button that could easily be pressed by accident, the Scream Safe device has a pin. Once pulled, the device emits an ear-piercing sound for up to 30 continuous minutes, or until the pin is re-inserted. It can be reused over and over.

Paul Davidson would never see his daughter again.

Police say it may have started as a robbery. There were signs of a struggle. Christine's car door was left open, and her keys were laying on the ground. But there was some blood on the top of the car. An analysis of the blood showed that it was Christine’s. Police believed it was a case of human trafficking - an alarming trend that has seen a recent spike at college campuses across the country.

There were passersby just 100 feet from where Christine was abducted, but no one saw or heard a thing. Christine Davidson’s whereabouts are still unknown.

But Paul Davidson has focused his life on making sure that his nightmare doesn’t become anyone else’s reality, by creating the Scream Safe Personal Alarm.

Davidson began work on the device a few years after his daughter went missing.

“The number-one reason that leads to successful kidnappings is the victim isn’t or cannot make noise,” Davidson, now 54, says. “The kidnapper tries to keep the victim’s mouth shut.”

So Davidson had two main focuses when developing Scream Safe: To make it as accessible as possible and as loud as possible.

“The ability to easily make noise is crucial in a kidnapping situation,” police say.

The device easily attaches to purses, keys, and backpacks. It’s also small enough to fit in your pocket. But it packs a wallop and is as loud as a fighter jet engine.

“The loud noise disorients the criminal,” police say. “It throws a wrench in their plans, and they retreat.”

They’re noticing that the victims are usually unharmed.

How To Purchase A Scream Safe Device

Inspired by the Military, the Scream Safe uses ear piercing sound (over 130 decibels) to deter bad guys and is quickly becoming one of the most sought after safety devices in America.

It will most likely be on every kid's keychains or backpacks by the end of the year.

Massive orders are coming in from Americans everywhere. On top of that, Scream Safe just announced a whopping 50% discount on their Tactical Keychain for qualifying customers. We did some research and found that you can get the cheapest deal on Scream Safe through this website (careful, there are a lot of cheap knockoffs that don't work nearly as well).

But the Scream Safe isn’t just to help protect you, your kids and your grandkids from an attack. It can also be used as a life saving device to call for help if you’re having a heart attack or have some other health condition that can prevent you from yelling for help.

Don't let your worst nightmare become your reality. Safety doesn't happen by accident. Purchase a personal alarm for yourself, for your child, or for a loved one. The Scream Safe is particularly suitable for teenagers, parents, night owls, delivery route employees, business owners, and college students, or the elderly who may need to call for help. The keychain design is perfect for use with house keys or car keys. It can also be attached to a backpack or a purse.