The Revolutionary New Safety Device Saved This Girl's Life
Rachel Manfield | Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Six months ago. It was a perfect day. A sunny 72° with a light breeze. Lisa and her daughter Christine were at the mall, shopping for a dress for the Snowflake Dance. The last dance of middle school.

"I’d accidentally left my purse in the van," Lisa says. "I asked Christine to get it for me."

So Christine headed to the car and got the purse. After she locked the car door behind her, she stopped to look up at the sky and admire how beautiful the day was. She remembers that she couldn’t see a single cloud in the sky. That’s when it happened.

"Someone put their hand over my mouth," Christine says, "and they started pulling me backwards."

Christine couldn’t make a sound as she was being pulled backwards into a waiting van...

That’s when she remembered her mom’s purse.

"I remembered mom had gotten this SafeSound alarm," Christine says. "I could feel it dangling on the purse. So I grabbed it and pulled the pin."

Suddenly, an excruciatingly loud noise erupted from the device. Christine felt the hand let go of her mouth before she was pushed to the ground.

The sound was so loud that people nearby began walking toward the noise to see what was happening. A couple witnesses saw the van driving off, saw Christine, and made the connection as to what happened. Unfortunately, they couldn’t get the license plate and the van wasn’t found until three days later, abandoned in a parking lot fifteen miles away. It had been stolen two weeks prior.

Though her assailants got away, Christine is grateful. And so is her mother.

"I don’t even want to think about what would’ve happened if she didn’t have that alarm with her," her mother says. "I thank God every day that she did."

Today, Lisa and Christine get up extra early. There’s a Women Against Violence event three hundred miles away that they don’t want to miss. Paul Davidson, the creator of the Scream Safe Alarm, is speaking at the meeting. They want to thank him personally.

What is it?

The Scream Safe Alarm is a safety device capable of creating a 125db sound that attracts attention and scares away potential assailants. To compare, it’s the same volume as a military jet during takeoff.

It’s also simple to use. Instead of having a button that could easily be pressed by accident, the SafeSound device utilizes a pull-pin. Once pulled, the device emits its ear-piercing sound for up to 30 continuous minutes, or until the pin is replaced.

It can be reused over and over, and it easily attaches to purses, keys, and backpacks. It’s also small enough to fit in your pocket. But it packs a wallop.

Born Out of Tragedy

Paul Davidson knows all too well the type of situation that Lisa and Christine found themselves in. He’s experienced the pain of loss firsthand...

“I’ll never forget picking up the phone and hearing the news,” Paul says.

Paul’s own daughter Michelle had just graduated high school and had planned to celebrate with some friends at a local restaurant. Running late, she told her friends to grab a table and she would meet them inside.

But she never showed up.

When she was late to dinner, her friends tried calling her phone, but Michelle didn’t pick up. After waiting for over an hour, they knew something was wrong. It was extremely unusual that Michelle would just blow off plans. They called the police, who came and investigated.

Michelle’s purse was found in the parking lot. To this day, no one has heard from her.

“I pray everyday for Michelle to return to us someday,” Paul Davidson says, “And I never want any parent to go through what we’ve gone through. Michelle’s the whole inspiration for the Scream Safe Alarm.”

After Michelle’s disappearance, Paul started researching the circumstances surrounding abductions.

"Police say the number-one reason that leads to successful kidnappings is the victim cannot make noise," Davidson, 52, says. "The kidnapper tries to keep the victim’s mouth shut. The ability to easily make noise is absolutely crucial."

Hearing this statistic was the final piece of the puzzle for creating the SafeSound.

“I had two main focuses when developing it,” Paul says. “To make it as accessible and as loud as possible.”

But, Paul Davidson is hoping for more than just a kidnapping deterrent. He wants to help stop all kinds of crimes.

"It can be used for so many different things," he says. "Parents can give it to their kids as an extra layer of protection. Teenagers can use it so they can feel safe walking home. Women can know it’s there when they have to use the parking garage at night. My mother, who is 76 years old, carries it around in case she falls and needs to alert people for help. I only wish wish I’d have thought of it earlier..."

His voice trails off. It’s clear that his daughter remains heavy on his mind.

After Davidson is done speaking, Lisa and Christine get up to thank him personally for saving the young girl’s life. But they have to get in line. It seems that Christine isn’t the only person that the SafeSound has helped…

Finally, after dozens of other people have had their turn to thank him, it’s their turn to speak to Paul. Christine begins to thank him, but her mother cuts her off by embracing the man tightly, saying "thank you so much," over and over.

It’s a story Davidson hears almost every day—how his SafeSound device was able to help someone in need.

"But I never get tired of hearing it," he says with a smile.

Not just for teenagers...

The Scream Safe Alarm has been helping people across the country, and it’s more than just teenagers. Here are some of the types of people who can be that much safer because of the SafeSound.

  • Women can use it as a a crime deterrent, protecting themselves from attackers
  • Kids are protected as they walk to school by keeping the SafeSound keychain on their backpack
  • Seniors can alert neighbors and people around them in emergency situations such as heart attacks, falls, and injuries
  • And more
Police Recommended

Police have been recommending the Scream Safe Alarm since it first hit the market, and the movement is beginning to pick up steam.

In fact, Since its debut, SafeSound has been in a state of constant flux, shifting between IN STOCK to SOLD OUT nearly every other week...

And, it’s also amassed tons of loyal followers worldwide...

SafeSound has quickly developed a loyal following. Here are some customer reviews:
I decided to order these for my daughters and I, as safety measure for us. I work at night and many times walk out alone, it’s nice having this on my keychain just in case! I gave the other two to my daughters so that way they can ward off a predator as well. These are very loud and very easy to turn on and off! None of us have had to use them, thankfully, but when we tested them out in the house my younger son covered his ears and said too loud!

- Claire Roberson
Good product, good size, and nice and loud. This little device has given me peace of mind.

- Katie Martin
Got these for my wife. They are VERY loud and really impressed. . She put one on outside of her purse and one on her keychain. They are fairly small - about 3" long, very lightweight.

-Philip Bishop
I wanted to get a professional’s opinion on the effectiveness of SafeSound, so I talked to Chief of Police Jeff Strum. Here’s his take:
“The Scream Safe Alarm has singlehandedly helped thousands of lives across the country. And, it’s needed now more than ever. Violent crime has risen drastically so far in 2019, particularly in the last month. But, after reviewing thousands of reports so far this year, I’ve noticed a positive trend. In cases where the Scream Safe Alarm is used, the victims are usually unharmed.”
- Jeff Strum, Police Chief
I wanted to see (and hear) the SafeSound in action...

Luckily, Paul gave us a demonstration at the conference. First, he warned us and told us to cover our ears. Then, he pulled the pin…

It was unbelievable. We were at an outdoor venue, and it felt like the noise was just filling up the entire field. It was easy to see how it stuns the attacker and attracts attention. It was simply the loudest thing I’ve ever experienced.

After a few seconds, Paul relieved us by re-inserting the pin, shutting off the noise.

When I spoke with Paul, he let me examine the SafeSound for myself. I was impressed with the quality… it felt solid in my hand and I could tell it wasn’t something cheap that would break if dropped or anything like that. And the pin was big enough where if you were fumbling around for it but you couldn’t see it for whatever reason, you’d still be able to pull it when you needed to.

Plus, the battery will last more than 3 months if you pull the pin 100 times in that time period. I’d say that’s pretty good.

Paul even gave me a SafeSound as a gift, which I in turn gave to my mother, as she lives alone and needs to alert somebody if something happens.

How much does it cost? (And is it worth the price?)

The SafeSound is currently sold online for $39.95 per two devices. They offer further discounts if you buy in bigger bulk, which I know many good parents will do.

As far as value, it’s definitely worth the price. Knowing that my mom is safe in case of a fall, or that my daughter is protected on the way home from school, the SafeSound has given me peace of mind that you simply can’t put a price tag on.

UPDATE - To help protect our loved ones, the Scream Safe Alarm currently has a special discount offering 50% off. But hurry, due to extremely high demand, the Scream Safe Alarm has sold over 1.5 million units and is likely to sell out for the holidays.

Click the green button to see if they are still available in stock

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Roxi Overo · Tyler, Texas
Is the alarm re-usable or can you only use it once?
· Reply · 84 · Sep 17, 2019 10:13 AM
Cheryl Rackers · Perry High School, Perry, GA
You can use it over and over again as many times as you want. You just pull the chain away from the body to sound the alarm, and then push it back in to turn it off. It’s super easy to use, I really like it.
· Reply · 55 · Sep 18, 2019 3:55 PM
June Zukowski Spelman · Worcester State College
Bought 8 and gave them to sisters, daughters, nieces and grand nieces and one for me. They really appreciated this safety gift.
· Reply · 38 · Sep 18, 2019 5:10 PM
Mandy Simmons · Chicago, Illinois
I have to admit... I am guilty of thinking that "it will never happen to me" but after reading this, I decided to pull the trigger and I ended up buying 5 personal alarms... one for myself, and planning to give the others to my sister and friends.
· Reply · 32 · Sep 19, 2019 6:58 AM
Clay Matthew Pirtle · Home Depot
My daughter was heading off on a college co-op to Ohio and I wanted her to have an additional personal protection device. She has pepper spray but, as a dad, I was still concerned. Bought this Safe Personal Alarm and wondered if it would really be loud. It is! It's a "grenade" style device whereby you pull the pin to activate it. The pin requires a fairly firm tug, which helps reduce the chance of accidentally triggering it. If you choose to test it indoors--which you probably will--be ready to plug the pin back in quickly because it is that loud. The idea is that once you've pulled it off your key chain, it will continue to sound and an attacker won't be able to turn it off. It's about the size of car entry fob. I hope my daughter will never have to use it, but if she does, I feel confident that this little thing will do its job in scaring away an attacker.
· Reply · 43 · Sep 19, 2019 10:22 AM
Brent Wallace · Alessandra Gallo Jewellery
For those of you who dont know how loud this thing is...Here are some references to compare to:
A lawnmower is about 90 decibels.
A jackhammer is 100 decibels.
A live rock music show is roughly 110 decibels.
A chain saw or a thunderclap are about 120 decibels.
A military jet aircraft take-off from aircraft carrier (50 feet away) is 130 decibels.

150 decibels will rupture one's eardrums.

· Reply · 72 · Sep 20, 2019 8:37 AM
Gladys Sanford · Worcester State College
I ordered a dozen. gave one to a co-worker, a few days later she used it. The alarm. Scared the man and he took off the other way. It’ was
· Reply · 22 · Sep 20, 2019 6:44 PM
Wilma Kingsleigh · Indiana University Kokomo
This would be perfect for my mom! shes a senior citizen (67 years old) and doesn't always feel safe walking around by herfself. plus, she can use it to call for help in case she ever falls down
· Reply · 36 · Sep 21, 2019 12:05 PM
Paul Bryant · Ricky J
Great device but it is also a good idea to stay off your cell phone when walking across a dark parking deck. You really need to be aware of what is going on around you.
· Reply · 18 · Sep 22, 2019 7:55 PM
Laura Sylvia · Los Angeles Lakers by Citizen Sports
Thanks. I will definitely buy for myself & my kids. God bless u.
· Reply · 24 · Sep 23, 2019 7:28 AM